
Friday, November 23, 2012

What was I thinking?

Do you ever get to a point working on a project that you’ve had for so long, you start to wonder what possessed you to start it in the first place?

Answer: Frequently.  Usually after a massive attack of the frogs or I realized it’s been kicking around for a couple years.

The project that I had this happen the most on was Paradigm Lost (Long Dog).  If Kathy hadn’t kept bugging me about it, I’m sure it would have turned into a UFO.  But it’s done and really never needs to see the light of day again.


Bonnie Brown said...

But it looks great!

Unknown said...

ITs beautiful... I am glad you finished and shared.

Karen said...

Great finish.....

Kathy A. said...

Well, someday it will appear from out of the great beyond and say FINISH ME!!!!and I'm talking the big finish.

Anonymous said...

Well done for finishing. I hit the "wall" when I'm stitching too sometimes and I'm the one who designs the things and mine also go in the drawer when they're finished so I can get on with the next one.

Carrie said...

Very pretty! Congrats on finishing it!

Lynn said...

I'm glad Kathy did prod you because it looks great!